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  • Writer's pictureKrissy Weekley

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Monthly Roamers

Updated: Oct 26, 2020

This is a list of some of our most frequently asked questions. If your question isn’t answered below, join our Monthly Roamers Facebook Hub or email us:

Q) How can I connect with past Roamers to see what their experiences have been?

You can ask past Roamers your questions on our Monthly Roamers Facebook Hub. Once you’ve been approved to join the Hub, ask away!

Q) What is the average age of the participants?

Our average range is from 20-40. But, we have people of all ages applying.

Q) Is there a two-week option?

We have an Adventure Roamers week-long trip. Just mark on the application or apply for the one-week trip.

Q) Is there a two-week option?

There is! Just mark on your application if you're interested in coming for two weeks.

Q) What will be the male-to-female gender ratio?

We do the best that we can to keep the ratio 50/50.

Q) How many participants will be going?

Our groups are typically 10-15 participants

Q) What percentage of our time will be scheduled activities vs free time to explore the country?

You can have as much free time as you want. We have planned group activities at least once a week, but you’re welcome to schedule activities with other Roamers at anytime.

Our one-week adventure roamer trips will have planned activities everyday, and one day of free time.

Q) How do I communicate with the group and Monthly Roamers staff once I’ve made my way to the destination?

We use Slack, a messaging system, where you can connect with your group and staff. Slack will be a great resource for you to schedule activities with other Roamers and for any of your needs.

Q) Will we have access to internet 24/7?

Yes. The apartment will have internet and you will also have access to a co-working space with the internet on our month long trips.

Q) Will everyone be LDS?

We welcome anyone that is living to the same standards of the LDS faith.

We will be opening trips to anyone of any faith or belief. Our Adventure roamers trips are now open. Apply for the trip you are interested.

Ready to apply?

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